Balancing Work Life as a Mom

Women’s history month is a time to reflect on all of the sacrifices moms in the workforce have overcome to get us to where we are today. Starting every day at 6am(or earlier!), working through the battles of getting the kids dressed, fed, and off to school before stepping foot in the office for a day full of never-ending meetings has become the normal for women in the workforce. However, being a working mom can cause overwhelming stress from the divided attention between home life and work life. I’ve walked in those shoes and can say from my own personal experience that for me, staying organized and focused have proven to be a few of the keys to balancing profession and parenthood. If you’re struggling to find that balance, here are a few of the tips that have helped me (attempt to) balance life as a working mama!  


Ease Your Mornings 

If you’re anything like me—the mornings are often the most chaotic part of my day. I had to learn through experience to switch up my routine and find what works for me to ease stress and become more efficient. One of the biggest changes is getting to bed early so I can wake up before my toddler. I noticed a huge increase in my stress levels when I was rushing to get ready while also trying to meet her needs and carry-out her own morning routine. Now, I set my alarm so that I can at least get my contacts in, brush my teeth, pour a cup of juice and get the day rolling. Another obstacle I faced, was packing lunch and getting her breakfast. I found that by adding lunch prep to my nightly routine, it eased up the pressure in the morning. Choosing a quick and easy breakfast option also made my life easier—save the weekends for fancy options like pancakes. Last but not least, I have committed to pre-packing my work bag and purse and setting them by the door with my keys. This helps me avoid scrambling in the morning and I’m able to ensure I don’t forget anything crucial during the rush.   

Release Any Guilt 

Ahhh, the inevitable struggle that all moms face—mom guilt. It’s real and can be crippling but navigating it has been one of the healthiest things I’ve done for myself. First and foremost, it’s important to talk about how you’re feeling with someone you trust. Whether it be your spouse or a trusted therapist/support person. One of the worst things to do is keep the feelings to yourself and as a result, create so much tension within that you’re not able to remain present and plugged in on the outside. For me, I took the step to hire a therapist who has helped me pass through this new terrain. She has guided me through my own personal dialogue as I work hard to change it from negative self-talk to positive reinforcement. Beyond talking through it and creating a plan that works best for you, there’s things you can do to help cope as well. For example, setting aside specific time each evening to spend undistracted/uninterrupted time with your little one(s) can make a world of difference. Chances are, they’re longing to connect with you after a long day, just as much as you are. Put aside even just 30 minutes of intentional time to play, giggle, and snuggle with them. It also serves as time to look forward to when you’re missing them throughout the day. Additionally, you can set aside specific activities with each of your kiddos that become weekly traditions. Prioritizing your time and being mindful to be fully present during that time, can truly help ease the guilt and ensure they are feeling loved.   

Supportive Childcare 

Knowing that your children are being loved on while you’re away is one of the most reassuring gifts. I am incredibly grateful to have a tribe of people who love on my daughter just like I do and so she feels that consistent connection even if I’m not physically there. Finding the right, supportive childcare not only puts you at ease, but your little one as well. Whether you’re leaning into family for support, a nanny, or a childcare center, be sure you do your diligence so that you feel completely comfortable with the arrangement and the environment that they will be thriving in while you’re away! Making a list of priorities of what’s most important to you for them will help in the process as you select the right caregivers.

Create a Family Calendar 

I’ll be the first to admit that digital calendars have saved me in more ways than one! However, in this case—I think it’s important to utilize a digital calendar as well as a physical wall calendar that’s visible in the home for all to see! There’s a ton of acrylic wall calendars on Amazon and Etsy that allow you to color code activities, plan meals, mark down free time and communicate the week among your family members! Using tools like this helps everyone stay organized and on the same page! (Spoiler alert: My OCD loves this tip the most!)   

These are just a few of the things that have helped me as I continue to learn and grow as a working mama. I hope they help you too and most of all—I hope you know how valued and appreciated you are! It’s not easy to wear all of the hats, but, your little one(s) look up to you and learn from everything you do. If nothing less, you’re teaching your daughters and sons how to work hard and love hard all at the same time and it doesn’t get much better than that!


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